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Excessive Radon Gas in Granite?! Are You Serious?!

We contend the falsity that granite countertops emit unsafe quantities of radon gas into your home is a myth propagated by other solid surface seller’s and manufacturers.

See What the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has to say…

The following information is directly from the (EPA) website:

Granite Overview

“Granite is an igneous rock, having been formed as lava or molten rock cooled and solidified over thousands, or even millions of years. Since granite forms so slowly, minerals have a long time to grow into the crystals that give it its distinctive patterns. Granite comes in a wide range of colors that vary with the elements in it. Granite’s durability and decorative appearance make it a popular building material in homes and buildings…”

The EPA goes on to say that any type of rock can contain radioactive elements including granite which may or may not contain more of these elements than others, depending on the composition of the molten rock from which they formed. Over time as these elements decay within the stone radon gas may be released. However, the low porosity of granite makes it less likely that radon will escape from it than from a more porous material such as sandstone.

“It’s important to know that radon originating in the soil beneath homes is a more common problem and a far larger public health risk than radon from granite building materials. Also, any radon from granite countertops in kitchens or bathrooms is likely to be diluted in the typical home since those rooms are usually well ventilated.”

Although radon and other natural radioactive materials in granite can emit radiation, it is extremely unlikely that a granite countertop can increase the radiation dose above the normal, natural background dose that comes from soil and rocks.

One of the EPA’s most frequently asked questions about radon emissions from granite countertops

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revealed their belief that existing data is insufficient to conclude that the types of granite commonly used in countertops are significantly increasing indoor radon levels. When asked what advice the EPA has about radon for consumers who have granite countertops they interject that “the principal source of radon in homes is from the soil in contact with basement floors and walls. To reduce the radon risk you should first test the air in your home to determine the radon level. There are many do-it-yourself radon test kits available through retail outlets and on-line, starting at about $25. While natural rocks such as granite may emit radiation and radon gas, the levels attributable to such sources are not typically high.”

To view the entire report, visit

Learn more about radon, visit or read A Citizen's Guide to Radon

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